It's been done thousands of times, by tons of people. Nobody's gonna find some new way to climb it. It's over. Go home and find something else to conquer.
Nobody's climbed Olympus Mons. Maybe do that. Plus, it comes with the badass bonus of being on Mars. Tallest mountain known in our solar system. Tell me that's not a feather in your cap.
Because Everest is wack now.
Really, mountain climbing in general lost some panache when the plane was invented. Before the plane, that was the only way to get up high. Now we're up there all the time. $75 and I caress the face of God.
"Yeah, but seeing that view is an indescribable experience."
No it's not.
There it is, right there. HD and everything. This person took the photo so you don't have to. Hell they even made a movie (Everest, 2015) where you get to experience just what a freezing hell that rock really is. Sixteen sherpas died in an avalanche during filming, so that you, personally, wouldn't have to trapse up the side of an ice-covered boulder to get the gist, first hand.
You know they just leave the dead up there, right? Do you really have to see them?
Edmund Hillary.
Next challenge.